So you’ve got yourself a shiny new steed, now it’s time to turn it into your own personal workhorse—dialing in your ride is the first step. From suspension setup to saddle height, this guide will show you the basics of bike setup.
Setup Guides

Rebound, compression, air pressure—sometimes it feels like you need an engineering degree to decipher it all, but it’s really not that complicated.

Tire Pressure
So many factors go into finding the “perfect” tire pressure which makes this setup more of a dark art than a science equation.

Saddle Position
When it comes to bike fit, saddle position is among the most important metrics. Get your saddle position right, and you’ll be greeted with more power and efficiency.

Bars & Controls
While personal preference comes into play, there are some general guidelines to stick to when setting up handlebars and controls.

Geometry & Flip Chips
Flip chips are an adjustment mechanism found in the lower link of many of our VPP™ bikes that changes the bike’s geometry and suspension rate.

Adjustment Advice
Few things are more annoying than a ghost-shifting derailleur or a squeaky brake rotor. Thankfully, you’ll be able to fix these with just a little knowledge and some basic tools.